YST Music Placement Test

This test is the pre-requisite for reading MUA3205 Jazz Study and Performance 1

The placement test comprises the following components:

I. Written Paper

The written paper will assess students’ knowledge on scales, chords, guidetones, and well-known jazz pieces.

The written test will be conducted in person on Monday, 6 January 2025, 2pm at YST Conservatory.

II. Practical (Video Audition)

Students are required to submit an audition video.

Please send in an unlisted link (YouTube, etc) of a short video that demonstrates your proficiency on an instrument/voice.

  • Video duration: 3-5 minutes
  • Repertoire: any style
  • It needs to be a solo audition video

Unlisted video link should be emailed to ystacad@nus.edu.sg by 6 January 2025, 6pm.

Register for the test via the link below by 3 January 2025.


This test is the pre-requisite for reading MUT3113 Orchestration or MUT3215 Composition for Non-Majors.

The placement test comprises the following components:

I. Written Paper

The written paper is based on:

  1. A short musical excerpt in either Classical or Early Romantic period. You will answer questions based on the following:
    • Formal Structure
    • Phrase Structure
    • Cadences
    • Harmonic analysis (roman numeral analysis with correct inversions and chord type) includes secondary dominants and chromatically altered chords
    • Identification of harmonic progression
    • Identification of non-chord tones
    • Identification of keys
    • Reduction of texture to basic chords
  2. Your understanding of transposing and non-transposing instruments from the orchestra, and clefs
  3. 4-part voice leading
  4. Identification of modes (dorian, phrygian, etc)

The written test will be conducted in person on Monday, 6 January 2025, 2pm at YST Conservatory.

II. Composition Portfolio
(For students enrolling in MUT3215 Composition for Non-Majors only)

Non-YST students interested to enrol in MUT3215 must submit 2 recent compositions in PDF format written in the last 5 years. 

The compositions can be either original compositions or pastiche compositions written as course assignments. If possible, submit a recording. The recording can be computer generated if no live recording is available.

Composition portfolio should be emailed to ystacad@nus.edu.sg by 6 January 2025, 6pm.

Register for the test via the link below by 3 January 2025.


This test is the pre-requisite for reading the following courses offered in Semester 1 of AY2024/25.

  1. MUT3222 Choral Composition

The theory test is based on:

I. A short musical excerpt in either Classical or Early Romantic period. Students will answer questions based on the following:

  • Formal Structure
  • Phrase Structure
  • Cadences
  • Harmonic analysis (roman numeral analysis with correct inversions and chord type) including secondary dominants and chromatically altered chords
  • Identification of harmonic progression
  • Identification of non-chord tones
  • Identification of keys
  • Reduction of texture to basic chords

II. Your understanding of transposing and non-transposing instruments from the orchestra, clefs.

III. 4-part voice leading.

IV. Identification of modes (dorian, phrygian, etc)

Date: Monday 8 January 2024
Time: 11am (please arrive 10 minutes early)
Reporting venue: Seminar Room Wing entrance (Level 1, YST Conservatory)

Register for the test via the link below by 31 December 2023.


This test is the pre-requisite for reading MUA3205 Jazz Study and Performance 1

The placement test comprises the following components:

I. Written Paper

The written paper will assess students’ knowledge on scales, chords, guidetones, and well-known jazz pieces.

The written test will be conducted in person on Monday, 8 January 2024, 11am at YST Conservatory.

II. Practical (Video Audition)

Students are required to submit an audition video.

Please send in an unlisted link (YouTube, etc) of a short video that demonstrates your proficiency on an instrument/voice.

  • Video duration: 3-5 minutes
  • Repertoire: any style
  • It needs to be a solo audition video

Unlisted video link should be emailed to ystacad@nus.edu.sg by 8 January 2024, 6pm.

Register for the test via the link below by 31 December 2023.


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