Application Materials Checklist
Mandatory Documents
The following supporting documents are mandatory for ALL applicants (except current YST students) and must be submitted by the deadline. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Additional Materials
Pre-Screening Videos
Repertoire Validation List
Repertoire validation list is a list of works that you have studied within the last 3 years.
Scores and Recordings
Scores must be in PDF format and recordings should be in MP3 format. Recordings may be MIDI renderings of the score, but performances by live performers are preferred.
Personal Statement
Write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which you have demonstrated leadership or taken initiative in projects over the past 3 years. They can be related to music, but do not need to be. Provide details such as the scope or scale of the project, the degree to which you led or initiated it, your role(s) within it and your motivation for initiating it. Additionally, please share some ideas for projects which you could imagine initiating at YST and/or ways you might apply your leadership skills to advance your learning and succeed as a composer.
Submission Instructions
National University of Singapore
3 Conservatory Drive
Singapore 117376