Application Materials Checklist

Mandatory Documents

The following supporting documents are mandatory for ALL applicants (except current YST students) and must be submitted by the deadline. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

  1. A most recent passport-sized colour photograph
  2. A copy of first semester examination results in NUS
  3. A copy of high school results (e.g. GCE ‘A’ Level, Diploma, IB results)
  4. One recommendation* 
  5. An email confirmation from your home faculty that you are allowed to pursue a second major alongside your degree programme.


  • Your recommendation should be from a referee who is in the most suitable position to comment on your music ability and aptitude, such as your teacher who has been preparing you for your audition and interview. A recommendation by a family member or friend will not be accepted.
  • Your referee will receive an invitation link (via email) to submit his/her recommendation online after you have submitted your application online.

Additional Materials

  • The repertoire required for the pre-screening videos and the audition must be the same.
  • For violin and voice applicants, repertoire must be performed from memory.
  • The video recordings need not be professionally produced, but the sound quality should be good. Adequate and proper lighting should also be used.
  • You may record in separate takes but for consistency, each piece must be an unedited, high-quality recording performed in one sitting with the same room conditions.
  • Files may be saved in any of the following formats: MP4, MPEG, MOV, MPG, WMV. Each file size should not exceed 500MB.
  • Label each file clearly with the composer’s name, title of work and movement (if applicable).

Pre-Screening Videos

  • Select any 2 works from your audition repertoire to submit as your pre-screening videos.
  • Repertoire must be performed on a grand piano and from memory for both pre-screening videos and audition.
  • The video recordings need not be professionally produced, but the sound quality should be good. Adequate and proper lighting should also be used.
  • You may record in separate takes but for consistency, each piece must be an unedited, high-quality recording performed in one sitting with the same room conditions.
  • Files may be saved in any of the following formats: MP4, MPEG, MOV, MPG, WMV. Each file size should not exceed 500MB.
  • Label each file clearly with the composer’s name, title of work and movement (if applicable).

Repertoire Validation List
Repertoire validation list is a list of works that you have studied within the last 3 years.

Scores and Recordings
Scores must be in PDF format and recordings should be in MP3 format. Recordings may be MIDI renderings of the score, but performances by live performers are preferred.

Personal Statement
Write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which you have demonstrated leadership or taken initiative in projects over the past 3 years. They can be related to music, but do not need to be. Provide details such as the scope or scale of the project, the degree to which you led or initiated it, your role(s) within it and your motivation for initiating it. Additionally, please share some ideas for projects which you could imagine initiating at YST and/or ways you might apply your leadership skills to advance your learning and succeed as a composer. 

  • The pre-screening videos should be about 10 minutes of repertoire consisting of at least 2 contrasting pieces, movements from compositions, or songs of applicant’s own choice using any musical instruments. Any style, genre, or period is permissible.
  • (Optional) Applicants with past experiences in recording work should also submit a portfolio of their pre-recorded projects.
  • The pre-screening videos should follow the full audition requirements of your choice instrument, voice, or composition (scores and recordings only). Those auditioning with violin, voice or piano must perform the repertoire from memory.
  • The portfolio should consist of a Curriculum Vitae (CV), with supporting documentation of your musical scholarship, musical leadership, significant projects and/or achievements in the musical arts.

Submission Instructions

  1. Upload all materials onto an accessible online shared drive (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox). Each item must be uploaded as a separate file, labelled clearly, and grouped into sub-folders.
  2. Group all the sub-folders into one main folder and set it to be accessible by anyone with the link. Please label the folder as follows:
    <Student ID>-<Full Name>-Application for <Programme>


  3. Email the link to the shared folder to by 31 December, 11.59pm.