MUT5201 Practical Approaches to Musical Analysis (4 Units)

Course instructor: 
Ms Adeline Wong

Course Schedule: TBC

*Additional dates may be involved for projects/assessments during the semester period of 15 Jan – 11 May 2024. Added make-up classes may also be scheduled due to public holidays coinciding with class dates.


This course presents a pragmatic, accessible approach to music analysis. The main objective is for learners to realise that while a work may appear complicated, there is always a simple and practical approach to it. Music analysis is therefore linked to awareness and practicality. Forming a clear link between musical awareness and music analysis will offer a more fruitful opportunity to allow music practitioners to focus on aspects such as musical coherence, structural relationships and interpretative choices. These analytical strategies can be adapted and included within instrumental and group lessons as techniques to teach phrasing, musical understanding and musical knowledge.


Through this course, learners will acquire practical music analytical skills and techniques, develop powers of critical observation and broaden in-depth knowledge of a range of selected repertoire. The process of music analysis will be divided into three broad phases: i) Familiarization – deals with the initial experiences with the music both by listening and study of scores; ii) Exploration – analysis using formal, motivic and reduction modes of analysis; iii) Conclusion – knowledge gained from i) and ii) will be examined through integration and creativity using aural, improvisatory and composition skills. Repertoire will be structured around selected works taken from a wide historical period and diverse instrumentation.


*Requires at least 5 years of music teaching experience, knowledge of diatonic and chromatic harmony AND/OR successful outcome of the selection interview.

Application dates for Semester 2 (AY2024/25) TBC