Bali Regional Resonances
Overseas Summer Immersion Programme


Programme Overview

YST’s Bali Regional Resonances is an overseas summer immersion programme, where students gain the opportunity to learn about Balinese arts and ways of expression through an interdisciplinary exploration of the region’s culture and traditions.

As part of the programme, students will undergo a combination of ensemble work, studio sessions and excursions over the course of two weeks in the heart of Bali’s vibrant cultural landscape. 

Students are given the opportunity to study interdisciplinary Balinese art forms under local artists and instructors – including Balinese musical ensemble forms such as Gong kebyar, Gender wayang, Gamelan degung, Kecapi suling, beleganjur and kecak chant, instruments such as jegog (music played on bamboo instruments), genggong (jaw harp), suling (flute), as well as Balinese dance and wayang kulit (shadow puppet theatre). The programme culminates in a live community performance, where students get the chance to showcase their learnings and perform alongside local musical ensembles and dancers.

Aside from music-making, students are also immersed in local culture through excursions, where they will visit cultural sites and villages to learn about and participate in Balinese culture and day-to-day life. Through this holistic learning experience, students can better understand the underlying values and practices of Balinese society while forging a meaningful artistic exchange with local Indonesian artists and non-profit organisations.

For enquiries, kindly contact (for admissions-related queries), (for programmme-related queries), or read our FAQs.

“This trip made me more aware of the collaborative aspect of ensemble playing. In addition to learning about Indonesian music and dance, we learned to better listen and work with other musicians in the group, and forge new friendships with the local musicians and each other, with music being the common language that we share. This programme has truly been enriching, both musically and spiritually.”

 — Ng Siang Yee, Alumni (BMus ’20, MSMCP


Join the Programme

Since its inception, the Bali Regional Resonances programme has undergone 12 iterations, featuring YST students, NUS students, and students from YST partner institutions.

Upcoming iterations of the programme are open to YST students and NUS students from non-Music majors. NUS students from non-Music majors are required to have good proficiency in at least one music instrument in order to be selected for participation.

Students interested in participating in the programme can write an expression of interest to Professor Karst de Jong at

Bali Regional Resonances is supported by the Chenter Foundation Cathy and Tony Chen Community Outreach Fund.