Music & Society / Music, Collaboration & Production


The Music & Society programme offers broad disciplinary outreach encompassing the study of music in potential social, political, economic and aesthetic contexts.

The Music, Collaboration & Production programme offers broad disciplinary outreach and allows exploration of practical applications such as alternative ensemble contexts, production approaches and presentation platforms.

Both major programmes are designed to enable aspiring artists to realise their leadership potential in a range of different emerging contexts, in addition to their specialisation in an instrument, Voice, Composition, Audio Arts & Sciences, or other creative/music-related fields.

With the Music & Society (MS) and Music, Collaboration & Production (MCP) programmes, we seek to give students greater agency in shaping the later years of their study to reflect their musical identities – in the process also encouraging collaborative experimentation within the student body.

Programme Structure

In the initial stages of the undergraduate programme, MS/MCP students undertake fundamental studies in instrument or vocal performance, composition, or audio arts and sciences. This is complemented by courses in music studies, professional integration, and industry-focused areas (such as music programming, production, marketing and business). 

Students can further broaden their exposure through courses offered at YST or in NUS at large. As part of their major studies, MS students take a selection of courses from the NUS Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, particularly the Southeast Asian Studies and Communications & New Media areas.

MS/MCP students also complete capstone projects in their third and fourth years, as reflections of their learning and professional identity.

Academic Coordinators

Vice Dean (Academic Programmes & Quality Enhancement)
Academic Coordinator, Music & Society
Vice Dean (Career Orientation & Community Engagement)

Academic Faculty

Area Study Faculty

Head of Audio Arts & Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Artist Faculty


*adjunct faculty

Entry Requirements

At YST, our student selection criteria evaluates a range of factors in an application portfolio, including the candidate’s intellectual aptitude, curiosity, energy, artistic drive, interpersonal skills, linguistic proficiency and personal qualities that will contribute value to the cohort. 

In addition to seeking the best emerging musical talents locally and in the region, our audition process is tailored to discover aspiring applicants with potential for developing a viable future professional and artistic identity.

Beyond evident current capacity in the applicant’s Major field, we explore how our programme resonates with them.

Click the following button for our admissions requirements.

*Students who have already completed a Minor in Music & Society and wish to be considered for a BMus in Music & Society must fulfil the Conservatory’s audition requirements.

Live auditions in Singapore and some overseas locations take place from the immediately-preceding December to February period. View our admissions and academic timeline here.

Candidates are required to fulfil Conservatory audition requirements in instrumental performance, Voice, Composition or Audio Arts & Sciences, as the Music & Society programme involves study in one of these areas at the initial stages of the degree. Visit the major pages to view their respective requirements.

In addition, for application to the Music & Society programme, candidates should submit a portfolio documenting their musical scholarship, musical leadership, and/or other significant achievements in the musical arts. The portfolio should consist of a CV and supporting documentation for achievements and projects. Recordings (audio/visual) should be uploaded to a shareable online drive such as Google Drive, DropBox, One Drive or other similar platforms.

Candidates will also attend a scheduled interview specific to the Music & Society programme, where they will present their portfolio to a faculty panel.

For queries, please email the YST Admissions Office.