Vivien Goh

Sole Proprietor

Goh Soon Tioe Music Studio

Vivien Goh has been nurturing young musicians in Singapore since graduating from the Eastman School of Music in 1969. Her wide range of contributions to musical life in Singapore include performing from an early age on stage, radio and television, and a video documentary of her was produced by Radio Television Singapore in 1976. She has generously shared her expertise with such groups as the Chamber Players (2000-2007), National University Symphony Orchestra (1997-2000), the Celebration Chorus (2000-2016) and the Singapore Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (2004-present)

Besides maintaining a private violin studio at the Goh Soon Tioe Music Studio she also taught violin classes in the schools (1970-1980). She was Music Director and Resident Conductor of the Singapore Youth Orchestra from 1980-1990, playing a seminal role in the formation of the Youth Orchestra movement in Singapore. From 1990-2000, she was Director of  the successful ensemble programme for young violinists, “Fiddling for Fun”. Since 2011, she has been teaching chamber music at the School of the Arts.

In 2012, she established the Goh Soon Tioe Centenary Award to recognize and support outstanding Singaporean string players.

Vivien Goh is also an organist at the Wesley Methodist Church and is the author of “Goh Soon Tioe: One Great Symphony” (1994) and “Rehearsal for Life” (2015 with Wong Sher Maine).

She was awarded the Cultural Medallion in 1983 in recognition of her contribution to music in Singapore.