Dr June Goh

Senior Consultant & Director, Neurocritical Care

Singapore General Hospital

Dr June Goh is a Senior Consultant in Singapore General Hospital and the Director of Neurocritical Care. She is involved in teaching both medical students and post graduate doctors as member of the Core Faculty Anaesthesia Residency Programme, Adjunct Assistant Professor Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School,  Adjunct Associate Professor of Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and Clinical Lecturer in the Yong Loo Lin Medical School. She chairs the organ donation oversight committee SGH and is Director of Philanthropy in the SingHealth Anaesthesia Academic Clinical Program.

Dr Goh is immediate past president of the SCWO (Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations) and ACWO (ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organisations). The Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO) is the national coordinating body of women’s organisations in Singapore and have 55 member organisations.

She is also currently serving on the Dover Park Hospice, Singapore Hospice Council and National Gallery fundraising committee.

She is a member and past president of the Association of Women Doctors Singapore (AWDS) executive committee and a member of the National Women Health Committee.