Dr Cheryl Lim

Artist Faculty, Flute


Dedicated as a musician, educator and performer, Dr. Cheryl Lim currently serves as a full-time Music Faculty member at the School of the Arts, Singapore, where she joined in 2011.  Her diverse musical interests have led her to pursue artistically worthy projects in the areas of historical performance, new music and educational outreach. 

Recent organized musical projects include an accepted proposal to commission and premiere Singaporean chamber compositions at the 2016 National Flute Association Convention, a project that grew from Cheryl’s 2014 doctoral thesis on founding local composers’ chamber compositions. In the same year, Cheryl also founded and organized the New Epoch Orchestral (NEO) ensemble as a means to explore modern repertoire for a chamber-sized group of musicians. In a smaller-sized group, Cheryl performs contemporary compositions with the newly-formed quintet Wu Xian. 

Her passion to interpret early music based on historical treatises also led to the presentation of a French baroque concert performed on the traverso later that year. Currently, she performs regularly with the local freelance orchestras including the Metropolitan Festival Orchestra, re:SOUND Collective, Singapore Lyric Opera and the Orchestra of the Music Makers. She has performed concertos in venues including the School of the Arts and the Esplanade Concert and Recital Halls. 

Cheryl graduated from the Peabody Institute of Music with a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree in 2014 and upon graduating was simultaneously awarded the Clinton Lee Arrowood Memorial Prize for excellence in flute performance. She earned her Masters degree at the Manhattan School of Music, and her undergraduate degree with 1st Class Honours from the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music as part of the pioneer batch of students.

Her main teachers include Jin Ta, Marina Piccinini and Michael Parloff with additional orchestral and chamber studies with Emily Skala and Marya Martin. Her Baroque flute studies began with lessons with Gwyn Roberts at Peabody Institute and continued at the Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute with Christopher Krueger and Michael Lynn, as well as private lessons with Rachel Brown and Lisa Beznosiuk. 

In her younger days, Cheryl competed in and won prizes in the Ohio Young Artist Competition and the Alexander and Buono International Flute Competition. She also performed in masterclasses for Emmanuel Pahud, James Galway, Maxence Larrieu and Juliette Hurel amongst other musicians. Early musical studies included flute lessons with Wang Tong and Evgueni Brokmiller, and piano and composition lessons with Yeo Kian Boon.