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The Learning Curve: That Teacher Behind The Screen – Is it Human?

3 November 2020 5:30pm

Steven Baxter Recital Studio
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

KHOO HUI LING, presenter


The Learning Curve is an ongoing series led by Khoo Hui Ling exploring challenging aspects of teaching and learning in music education. It is a discussion not just for educators, but for students and parents too; it tackles issues music educators may confront, raises questions students can reflect on and discusses decisions that parents often struggle with.

‘The Teacher Behind The Screen – Is it Human?’ is the topic of the coming session. In light of Covid-19, music educators turned to online teaching. The reaction from music educators, students and parents have been mixed. While few would claim that online music teaching is better than in person teaching, some claim that it is just as good as in person teaching. The rest feel it can never replace physical instruction, as online teaching lacks a ‘human’ element.

This session features interviews with various music educators, parents and students, on online music teaching. Many dialogues have discussed if online teaching is effective, but this session will instead focus on these questions:

  1. How can online music teaching can be more ‘human’?
  2. What does it even mean to be ‘human’ in music teaching?

Come share your take on online music teaching with us!

This event will be livestreamed on the Conservatory’s YouTube channel. Follow and subscribe to be notified of upcoming streams.

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• Due to COVID-19 related guidelines, this performance will only be offered virtually.
• All event information is correct at time of print.


November 3, 2020

Steven Baxter Recital Studio

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
3 Conservatory Drive, 117376 Singapore