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[LIMITED] Composition Seminar: The History and Techniques of Harmonic Organisation in My Music

2 March 5:00pm

Seminar Room 1
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

In view of current health and travel advisories, limited seats will be available for this event.

Limited seats events are open to YST and members of the public, up to a total cap of 50 pax. Admission will be first-come, first-served based on registration at the door. Temperature-taking and visitor registration will be required on arrival at the YST building.

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DIETER MACK, presenter

In my efforts to develop my own musical language, timbre was an obvious problem from the very beginning. As electronic devices and new playing techniques became increasingly less interesting to me, I found different ways to achieve my intended results via a special harmonic matrix, orchestration, and voicing, going back even to Maurice Ravel and Duke Ellington. In this lecture, I will try to trace the basic elements of this development in my music.

Dieter Mack was born in 1954 in Speyer. He studied composition, piano and music theory. After various lectureships he became professor for music theory in Freiburg in 1986. Since 2003 he is professor for composition at the MHS Lübeck. Various study and research trips led him mainly to Indonesia (altogether ten years), where he studied Balinese gamelan music. In 1982 he founded his own gamelan ensemble. Since 1988 he was also working in Indonesia’s music education system as a guest lecturer, and from 1992 – 1995 as a long term DAAD-guest lecturer at UPI Bandung. From 1996-2007, he was consultant in an ethnomusicological-educational research project at UPI Bandung that was sponsored by the Ford Foundation. From 2007-2019, he was head of the DAAD music selection committee and from 2009-2015 head of the Goethe Institute’s music advisory board. He regularly conducts masterclasses in composition, mostly in East and Southeast Asia but also Canada and New Zealand. From 2008-2011 and 2015-2019 he was vice-president of the University of Music Lübeck. He composes mostly chamber music with a focus on percussion and wind instruments. As an author he writes mainly about intercultural issues. (www.dieter-mack.de)

• Free admission.
• All event information is correct at time of print.
• Out of respect for other concertgoers, no children under 6 years of age will be allowed admission.


March 2, 2020

Seminar Room 1

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
3 Conservatory Drive, 117376 Singapore