Pre-Screening Audition Requirements

With effect from 2024/2025, all auditions for BMus, MMus and young artist programme will be conducted in YST’s new immersion format. All prospective candidates will be required to submit their full audition repertoire listed in the pre-screening requirements to the YST admissions office by 1 December 2024. Candidates who are shortlisted as finalists will be invited to attend a day of immersion at YST where they can expect to have lessons with professors, participate in chamber/group lesson, collaborative music-making session and tour the YST building facilities and surrounding university campus. The day will conclude with a sharing of reflection with staff from the Student Life Office.

Please note that virtual or online auditions will not be offered. Candidates who are unable to attend an in-person audition will not advance further in their applications and will be rejected.

Orchestral Instrument, Piano, Voice Performance Majors

BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements

(All violin audition repertoire must be performed from memory)
1. One caprice from Paganini
2. Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied Bach sonata or partita
3. Either the 1st, or both 2nd & 3rd movement of a standard concerto

1. Two contrasting movements of unaccompanied Bach, or one unaccompanied work
2. One movement from a standard sonata (e.g. Brahms, Schubert, Schumann, Shostakovich, Glinka) or comparable work
3. One virtuoso movement from Bartok, Walton, Hindemith, Stamitz or standard classical concerto

1. One etude from Popper High School of Cello Playing or Piatti 12 Caprices (excluding Popper No. 1 and Piatti Caprice No. 1)
2. Prelude and one other movement from Bach Suite No. 4, 5 or 6
3. One of the following pieces:
     a. DVORAK Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, B.191, Mvt I
     b. SCHUMANN Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129, Mvt I or Mvt II & III
     c. TCHAIKOVSKY Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33
     d. ELGAR Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85, Mvt I & II
     e. SHOSTAKOVICH Cello Concerto No. 1 in E-flat major, Op. 107, Mvt I & III

Double Bass
1. Two contrasting movements of a concerto or sonata
2. Two orchestra excerpts
3. Major and minor scales and arpeggios, minimum two octaves


BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements

1. Two contrasting movements of a Baroque or Classical sonata or concerto (e.g. Mozart Concerto in G, KV313, or a sonata by J.S. Bach)
2. A choice piece from the Paris Conservatory Flute Concours Selection

1. Two contrasting pieces from different periods

1. Two contrasting movements from a Classical period concerto
2. Two contrasting movements from a Romantic period concerto

1. Two contrasting movements from a Baroque or Classical sonata (e.g. Vivaldi bassoon concerto, or Galliard sonata)
2. Two contrasting studies from Weissenborn or Milde Studies 


BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements

French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone and Tuba

1. One solo work or a movement from a concerto/ sonata
2. Two contrasting etudes, short solos, or character pieces that demonstrate your instrumental strengths 
3. Choose ONE of the two options below:
     a. Two contrasting orchestra excerpts
     b. A piece/ solo/ etude/ tune that demonstrates your area of expertise


 BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements


1. (Snare Drum)
     a. Two contrasting solos of etudes demonstrating snare drum rudiments and rolls
2. (Keyboard Percussion)
     a. One solo or etude demonstrating either 2-mallet or 4-mallet technique
3. One work on any instrument of choice (e.g. Timpani, Drumset, Ethnic percussion, Hand percussion, or others)


BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements


1. One movement from a standard harp concerto (e.g. Handel, Mozart or Debussy’s Dances)
2. Two contrasting solo works 


BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements


1. One virtuoso etude by Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninov, Debussy, Scriabin, Bartok, Stravinsky, Moszkowski, Prokofiev, Ligeti, or Bolcom
2. Any Prelude & Fugue chosen from the Well-Tempered Clavier by J.S. Bach
3. A complete sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, or Clementi (all movements)
4. A  major work from the Romantic period
5. A representative work from the 20th century to the present


  • All audition repertoire must be performed from memory.
  • Please refer to Piano FAQs for additional information on piano audition and pre-screening requirements.  

BMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements
(Note: Voice is not offered as a major for MMus)


1. One song or aria in English
2. One song or aria in Italian
3. One song or aria in German or French
4. One song or aria in your native language 


  • The four selections above should encompass a variety of music styles and periods and demonstrate your current vocal ability as well as      your potential. All selections should be age-appropriate.
  • Applicants are not required to sing an aria, but if they choose to do so, only one aria may be presented and the remaining selections must   be art song.
  • All selections must be sung in their original language (no translations), with piano accompaniment and from memory.
 Composition, AAS, MSMCP, Conducting Majors 

BMus, MMus, YAP Repertoire Requirements


1. (Scores and Recordings)
     a. Applicants are required to submit a portfolio of scores and recordings of 3 original scores that best represent their abilities. Works 
     should ideally be written for different combinations of instruments/voices (e.g. piano trios, string quartets, large ensembles). Music 
     arrangements or popular genres will not be considered. 
     b. Scores must be in PDF format and recordings should be in MP3 format. Recordings may be MIDI renderings of the score, but    
     performances by live performers are preferred. Application materials and scores will not be returned to applicants.     
     c. Shortlisted candidates will be expected to discuss their works, their influences and musical interests in relation to the field of
     composition at the interview.

2. (Personal Statement)
     a. Applicants are required to write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which they have demonstrated leadership
     or taken initiative in projects over the past 3 years. The projects can be related to music, but do not need to be. Applicants should provide 
     details such as the scope or scale of project, the degree to which they led or initiated it, their role(s) within it and their motivation for
     initiating it.    
     b. Additionally, applicants are requested to share some ideas for projects which they could imagine initiating at YST and/or ways they              apply their leadership skills to advance their learning and succeed as a composer.

Audio Arts &

 BMus, Repertoire Requirements
(Note: AAS is not offered as a major for YAP and MMus)

Audio Arts & Sciences

1. (Audition Requirements)
     a. Two contrasting solo works on any instrument, or two original compositions

2. (Personal Statement)
     a. Applicants are required to write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which they have participated in recording
     projects over the past 3 years. Applicants should provide details such as the scope or scale of the project, the degree to which they were
     involved and their role(s) within it. 

Music &
Society, Music,

Collaboration &

BMus, Repertoire Requirements
(Note: MSMCP is not offered as a major for YAP and MMus)

Audition for Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Harp, Piano, Voice, Composition and Audio Arts & Sciences area study
1. (Audition Requirements)
     a. Applicants are required to offer the same repertoire/requirements listed for the majors of the above areas.
     b. Applicants are required to offer one additional choice piece/work of any genre, style and mode of presentation which showcases their
     strengths for the MSMCP major.
2. (Personal Statement) 
     a. Applicants are required to write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which they have demonstrated leadership
     or taken initiative in projects over the past 3 years. The projects can be related to music, but do not need to be. Applicants should provide
     details such as the scope or scale of the project, the degree to which they led or initiated it, their role(s) within it and their motivation for
     initiating it.
     b. Additionally, applicants are requested to share some ideas for projects which they could imagine initiating at YST and/or ways they 
     might apply their leadership skills to advance their learning and succeed as a MSMCP major.

Audition for non-orchestral performance (e.g. Jazz, Pop, Guitar, Er-hu) area study 
1. (Audition Requirements)
     a. Two contrasting solo works
     b. One additional choice piece/work of any genre, style and mode of presentation which showcases their strengths for the area study
2. (Personal Statement) 
     a. Applicants are required to write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which they have demonstrated leadership
     or taken initiative in projects over the past 3 years. The projects can be related to music, but do not need to be. Applicants should provide
     details such as the scope or scale of the project, the degree to which they led or initiated it, their role(s) within it and their motivation for
     initiating it.
     b. Additionally, applicants are requested to share some ideas for projects which they could imagine initiating at YST and/or ways they 
     might apply their leadership skills to advance their learning and succeed as a MSMCP major.


 MMus, Repertoire Requirements
(Note: Conducting is not offered as a major for BMus and YAP)

1. (Concert and Rehearsal) 
     a. Applicants are required to submit one recording of them conducting a concert performance and another of them rehearsing any music
     genre with an orchestra, ensemble or choir. The videos should be of good quality and should be unedited and uninterrupted.
     b. The videos should focus on the conductor and not the ensemble. The camera angle should show a full frontal view of the conductor
     and not the back. 

2. (Personal Statement) 
     a. Applicants are required to write a 350 to 500-word personal statement describing ways in which could imagine initiating in the 
     community and/or ways they might apply their leadership skills to advance their learning and succeed as a conducting major.