The musical landscape—inclusive of reflections and explorations in artistic research—evolved rapidly and globally in the early decades of the 21st century. Cultural intersections and reciprocations, inherent with this expansive growth, have been a recurring theme in the four artistic research symposia hosted at YST Conservatory since 2009. The negotiations and reconsiderations that have grown out of these cultural cross-currents evolves our relationship with art music, as well as Asia’s emergent role in performance, composition and curation of music that had been historically considered “Western”. Performers, and especially the performer-scholars who form the core of the artistic-research community, have an essential role to play in this evolution, for it is through their presence, that a piece of music is brought into the present and presented to an audience.
Here on the YST Performers(‘) Present digital platform, we offer a selection of presentations and highlights curated from our 2016 international artistic research symposium of the same name.
- Chapter One – Geographical Exigencies: Locating Art Music in Southeast Asia features artistic research projects connected to Southeast Asia—either through personal or artistic resonances—and engages in conversations and collaborations between the East and West through sound.
- Chapter Two – Temporal Exigencies: Locating the 21st Century in Art Music investigates and reflects renegotiations of the artists’ relationship with performance practices.
- Chapter Three – Technological Frontiers: Contemporary and Electronic Music Developments explores the electronic revolutions developed in the Digital Age that have led to new ways of creating, composing, producing, amplifying and consuming music.
- Chapter Four – Creation, Curation and Composition: Inclusive, Brave and Eclectic contemplates the curatorial and compositional responses presented during the 2016 symposium surrounding the themes outlined above.