

Voice studies at the YST Conservatory are aimed at developing the gifted young vocalist into a diverse artist with excellent technical facility, a broad range of stylistic knowledge and performance experiences and the tools needed to propel them into a successful singing career either at the graduate or young professional level. Over the four years, they develop healthy and efficient vocal technique through studies that are suited to their vocal development and allow them to reach their full potential. Students undergo individual and ensemble study, recitals, dramatic training and stage performance, as well as language and literature studies. They also further build their capabilities in the areas of community engagement, vocal pedagogy, and musical leadership.

Augmenting regular studies at the Conservatory, students work with acclaimed visiting artists, who have included Allen Henderson, Caitlin Hulcup, Miah Persson, conductor Masaaki Suzuki and collaborative pianist Roger Vignoles. 

We also offer extensive opportunities to work with leading artists and organisations in Singapore and the region. Current students are invited to participate in productions with local groups such as L’Arietta Productions, The Opera People, Red Dot Baroque, and others.

Programme Structure

Students develop healthy and efficient vocal technique through weekly lessons and studio classes, as well as masterclasses with visiting artists. Repertoire for study is selected to be suited for the development of young voices as well as to the students’ individual interests and abilities. It includes art song of various languages and cultures; vocal chamber music; concert repertoire for solo voice with instruments; opera and oratorio literature; and dramatic training. In addition, they build language facility in the standard singing languages of Italian, German, French and English through courses in grammar and diction for singers.

Students develop their performance skills in a wide variety of settings such as studio classes, masterclasses, recitals (a half-hour junior recital and a full senior recital), and numerous other public performance opportunities on campus and within the broader Singapore community. They also collaborate with other Conservatory students and community organisations on a regular basis.

Elective courses allow students further avenues to develop personal interests and strengths.

Entry Requirements

At YST, our student selection criteria evaluates a range of factors in an application portfolio, including the candidate’s intellectual aptitude, curiosity, energy, artistic drive, relationship with people, linguistic proficiency and personal qualities that will contribute value to the cohort. 

In addition to seeking the best emerging musical talents locally and in the region, our audition process is tailored to discover aspiring applicants with potential for developing a viable future professional and artistic identity.

Beyond evident current capacity in the applicant’s Major field, we explore how our programme resonates with them.

Click the following button for our admissions requirements.


Live auditions in Singapore and some overseas locations take place from the immediately-preceding December to February period. View our admissions and academic timeline here.

  1. One song or aria in English
  2. One song or aria in Italian
  3. One song or aria in German or French
  4. One song or aria in your native language


  • The four selections above should encompass a variety of music styles and periods and demonstrate your current vocal ability as well as your potential. All selections should be age-appropriate.
  • Students are not required to sing an aria, but if they choose to do so, only one aria may be presented and the remaining selections must be art songs.
  • All selections must be sung in their original language (no translations), with piano accompaniment and from memory.
  • The audition may also include sight-reading of a short musical excerpt.
