Admissions FAQs

Have a query? Find answers to commonly asked questions below.

1.1 To qualify for MMus, must my Bachelor’s degree be related to music? 
A Bachelor’s degree in music is not a prerequisite for MMus. Prospective candidates must have completed (or be completing) a Bachelor’s degree programme of any discipline and subject combination.

1.2 Does having previous music qualifications such as certifications, diplomas etc. provide any advantage for applicants?
Music qualifications (music diplomas or degrees) obtained through full-time studies at a music conservatory, arts school, middle schools attached to a conservatory or colleges with a developed arts programme (e.g. Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts) are not prerequisites but may be an advantage for admission.

Music certificates and diplomas obtained through external examinations (e.g. ABRSM certificates) are not considered for admission and will not be used as a tool to assess the candidate’s performance standard.

1.3 Is there an application fee?
There is no application or other fee involved during the application phase.

International students are requested to consult the YST Admissions Office if they come across agents charging them an application fee. YST does not have agents overseas and all communications should be made directly with the YST Admissions Office.

1.4 What is the minimum GPA that I need to achieve for my Bachelor’s degree to qualify for MMus?
There is no minimum GPA for you to qualify for application. However, your academic performance is one of the consideration factors in assessing your attitude and aptitude.

1.5 Is it necessary for international applicants to submit SAT, IELTS (English Language Testing System), or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores?
TOEFL, IELTS and SAT are not required for admission to YST, although English language ability will be assessed as part of the audition.

1.6 How will my English ability be assessed during the day of the audition?
Your English proficiency will be assessed in a holistic manner throughout the entire audition. This will include conversations with your professor during the lesson, an interview, and a writing and reading component. 

2.1 What are the majors offered in MMus?
The majors offered are Brass, Composition, Conducting, Piano, Strings and Woodwinds.

Audio Arts & Sciences (AAS), Music & Society, Music, Collaboration & Production (MS/MCP) and Voice are not offered under the MMus programme.

2.2 What is the difference between MMus and MMusL?
MMus is a 80 units MOE-subsidised YST graduate programme for practising musicians/composers/conductors interested to further their technical and musical skills. Core content includes specialised individual lessons that emphasise more on the performative and artistic dimensions.

MMusL is a 40 units self-funded YST graduate programme for upcoming and established music industry professionals interested to advance leadership and transferable skills. This programme is multifaceted to provide flexibility to suit individual needs and professional practice through individual, small group and seminar settings.

3.1 I am an international student. Will I be able to receive any subsidy for my tuition fee?
The MOE-subsidised fees are only applicable for Singapore citizens and Singapore permanent residents. International students are required to pay the full sum of the tuition fee. Details on tuition fees here.

3.2 Can MMus students apply for financial aid for housing on campus or living allowance?
MMus students are not eligible for a bursary.

3.3 Will I be able to apply for housing on campus under the MMus programme?
Yes, you are eligible to apply for our housing on campus. However, please note that campus housing is not guaranteed and it is subject to availability. You can click here for more details on housing options for graduate students.

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