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Orchestral Institute x YST Chamber Singers and Voice Majors: A Gala for Creation

8 April 7:30pm

Conservatory Concert Hall
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

Programme booklet

YST Orchestral Institute
YST Chamber Singers
YST Voice Majors
JASON LAI, conductor
TAN SEE HUEY, soprano
LIM HUISHI KIRA (B.Mus2), soprano
JASON SURYAATMAJA (B.Mus2), baritone
CHONG WAI LUN, chorus master


Die Schöpfung (The Creation), Hob. XXI:2


A secret voice whispered to me:
“In this world there are so few happy and contented people; perhaps your labour will become a source
in which the audience,
riddled with the anxieties of the everyday,
will for a while find peace and solace.”

Franz Joseph Haydn, on the inspiration for “The Creation”

Franz Joseph Haydn’s 1798 oratorio, Die Schöpfung (The Creation), demonstrates the composer at the height of his creative powers, writing in a style that looks back – e.g. through its neo-baroque emulation of Handel’s choruses – while forging imaginative ways to move forward: i.e. from the dramatic perspective.

As YST commemorates its 20th Anniversary, Haydn’s fin de siècle contemplation on the creative process itself seems particularly apropos. The Creation’s libretto fuses Biblical texts from Genesis and the Psalms with passages from Milton’s Paradise Lost, reflecting Haydn’s spiritual devotion as well as his embrace of the German Enlightenment. Two hundred years later, and a half-world away, it was a similar enlightened cosmopolitan impulse that inspired the inception of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music. Come join us, and celebrate this special Gala Concert with Haydn’s joyous Die Schöpfung!

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Tickets via Eventbrite.

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Out of respect for other concertgoers, no children under 6 years of age will be allowed admission.

* All event information is correct at time of print.


April 8, 2023

Conservatory Concert Hall

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
3 Conservatory Drive, 117376 Singapore